7 Benefits of Waste Paper Recycling

Recycling- is not an only a process to convert the waste in to reusable product but is have bigger prospective effect on environment, society and economy. Everyone of us have to think before throwing waste paper in the trash, just think how many trees you could save through recycling of waste paper? Every one of us is generating pollution directly or indirectly so now it’s our duty to contribute for environment through small- small initiative which we can take easy and waste paper recycling initiative is one of them, which anyone can adopt easily.

Still in India waste recycling awareness is very low, the reason is each of us didn’t understand it benefits we all consider the financial benefit first then the environment. Thanks to Mr. Narendra Modi and his Swachh Bharat Abhiyan that help people to understand the requirement of waste management and environmental issues. After Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ther are many initiatives, organizations, NGOs etc start to work very efficiently on waste management and recycling. Many corporate start to adopt waste paper, plastic, wood, electronic recycling under their CSR or environment policies.

Green-O-Tech India one of leading waste paper recycling services provider in India, awarded with Skoch Swachh Bharat Award 2017 and its founder Mr. Prashant Rana awarded with “50 Impactful Green Leaders –Global Listing” -2017 for their outstanding contribution in waste paper and wood recycling services. Presently Green-O-Tech India have its more than 500 green initiators family members who are supporting and adopting its waste paper recycling services under their CSR or environment policies.

Green-O-Tech India also manufacture of recycle stationery products like Note Pad, Executive Diaries, Files, Spiral Pads, Paper Pencils, Paper Pen, recycle paper gifts items and many corporate like Google, Hero Group, WHO, Intelenet, Wipo, Time of India etc   adopting and replacing their current paper stationery products with Green-O-Tech India’s recycle stationery products under their  CSR or environment policies.

Most businesses use a wide variety of printed material. Brochure or business card printing can use a great deal of paper. Responsible companies have a recycling policy because they recognize that recycling makes sense economically and environmentally. It also improves the image of an enterprise. Selecting professional printing services that use recycled material is a smart decision for all businesses.

There are seven major reasons for a business to recycle paper.

  1. Paper Recycling Helps the Environment.
  2. Recycling paper is economically responsible.
  3. Reduce Stationery Cost
  4. Paper Recycling Reduces Waste and Improves Efficiency
  5. Paper Recycling build a Clean Green Brand Image.
  6. Best project under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Environment Policies.
  7. Recycling Paper Produces Livelihood.


  1. Paper Recycling Helps the Environment.

Paper recycling have huge impact on environment because its directly going to save Trees. In India on yearly we required more than 11.40 Million Tonne of paper on yearly bases and by 2025 it increase up to 23.5 Million Tonne. It is easy to assume that the small amount of material recycled in an individual office makes little difference environmentally. However, reproducing the effort of one business through the country leads to major improvements in the environment. Do you know, on recycling of one tonne of waste paper we saves up to 17 trees which is equal to 4,000 kWh of energy, 3.5 cubic meters of landfill space, 1.7 barrels (270 liters) of oil, 10.2 million Btu’s of energy and 26,000 liters of water. Paper recycling saves 65% of the energy needed to make new. Recycling paper also reduces air pollution by 74% and water pollution by 35%.

  1. Recycling Paper is Economically Responsible

Simple steps to improve awareness of recycling in an office or shop can lead to significant savings for business. For example, when ordering material from printing services, a request for two side printing can save money for the company and is environmentally friendly.

The individual employee can also save costs by recycling paper in the office. Using the reverse side of printing paper for taking notes or printing drafts can make a similar contribution to saving the environment and reducing costs.

  1. Reduce Stationery Cost

Initiative like Green-O-Tech India, help to reduce overall stationery cost of an organization. The initiative of converting waste to wealth through waste paper recycling can help you to reduce your stationery cost by 40% – 50%. Waste paper recycling is not only helpful for environment but is also beneficial for individual or organizations who take this initiative.

  1. Paper Recycling Reduces Waste and Improves Efficiency

Recycling material reduces waste. For example, recycling paper reduces the amount that goes to landfill. This in turn reduces the amount of waste produced by the company. Many garbage disposal companies cost their services according to weight or number of pickups per week. Recycling can reduce rubbish and the cost of waste services.

  1. Paper Recycling build a Clean Green Brand Image.

Paper recycling initiative could help an organisation in building their Eco Friendly brand image in market, competition or in their clients mind. A trustworthy image is vital for a business. Promoting the company’s use of recycled paper can enhance that image. By adopting Green-O-Tech India recycle office stationery; companies can shows that the enterprise is a responsible corporate citizen. Consumers are attracted to companies with a high degree of responsibility and reliability. Thus promoting a ‘green’ image leads to an increase in sales and reputation.

  1. Recycling Paper Produces Livelihood.

Paper recycling projects also help to create livelihood for society. Recycling of any sort creates work in new green energy fields. More jobs mean more consumers with disposable income. Not only does responsible recycling result in helping the wider economy it also affects the growth of businesses in manufacturing or service fields.

  1. Best project under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Environment Policies.

Waste paper recycling is one of the best initiatives for any organization which they should take under their CSR or Environment Policies projects. Waste paper recycling is not only helps corporate to put impact on environment but also help to put impact on economy and society by generating livelihood. Paper recycling project like Green-O-Tech India in not only help organization for their CSR activities but also help to reduce their operational cost as well. By adopting paper recycling project under CSR or Environment Policies projects corporate could help to create awareness about waste recycling and its benefits in society through their employee and other associates.

All companies rely on print material for promotion via business card printing, brochure printing or paper for office purposes. Recycling those paper products has many benefits for businesses of all sizes. It is economically and environmentally advantageous and contributes towards community wealth. It also improves the image of the company in the marketplace. Recycling paper conserves natural resources, saves energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and keeps landfill space free for other types of trash that can’t be recycled.

People have a common question in their mind that ‘HOW MANY TIMES CAN THE SAME PAPER BE RECYCLED?’

Every type of Paper recycling does have limits, every time paper is recycled the fiber becomes shorter, weaker and more brittle. In general paper can be recycled up to seven times before it must be discarded. Whatever type of paper we are using have limited life and it depends at what stage it is. A virgin paper, manufactures with Trees pulp would recycle up to 7 times.

What Can You Do?

You can recycle paper through the various recycling programs at home, in school and your office or through the public recycling bins. Same way you can adopt recycling programs at your work place or home and contribute for environment.

Green-O-Tech India have “Green Collection Centers” in Delhi & NCR, where you can give your  waste paper for recycling and get school or office recycle paper stationery products like Note Books, Note Pads, Paper Pencils, Pens, Spiral Pads etc against the same. Even you can ask for indoor or outdoor Plants/ Trees also against the same.

By associating with Green-O-Tech India you can build up a fruitful partnership for saving mother earth and contribute for society and environment.

If each child saves one sheet of paper a day, then 40,000 trees are saved per year by students alone

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